Tuesday, May 31, 2011

#24 - M15 THE SPANISH REVOLUTION May 30 2011



Please forward this to as many people as you know to help them have their voices heard. The media is being censored and reporters are not allowed to report the news as it is. 



May 30 2011

We spent the past couple days in Granada Spain - 2 hours away.
 Protestors lined the streets 24/7 to make their voices heard.

Below are some of my photos. I also had the opportunity to interview a few Protestors to explain in English to you why the Revolution is taking place in Spain.  

"Terrorists? Wall Street  attack continues"

"Why doesn't anyone speak of Rockerfeller"
"Bush Bidladen Inc"
"If you own the markets why vote"
"I am interested to know the significance..."

The movement in Spain is called M15: the day the revolution started May 15

Thousands upon thousands of demonstrators were protesting for everyone "not to vote" for either of the two parties on election day -  Sunday May 22nd. They slept all day and night - camped out - at all the government plaza's

Their anger and protests were for: 
1. High unemployment (25%)
2. Lack of work available for the youth ( 45% of the youth unemployed)
3. Radical change in Politics
4. Against Bankers - Wall Street
5. Lack of government help with the crisis and financial meltdown

It is said that the demonstrations in part helped the current government ( PSOE) lose the elections and instead the PP was voted back in to power. 

I taped the below videos of some of the events today. I also interviewed specifically for you a few in English to explain the radical movement taking place all over Spain right now.

These demonstrators marched through town to have their voices heard.

I taped these today so watch to see it live.

( click to watch)

He explains in English why he has been sleeping in the plaza for the past 20 days and the problems they are facing.

( click to watch)

Carolina is a single mother. She has two degrees - Social Worker and Translator. 
She has been unable to find work. 

 She also told me apart from the video that the government is not allowing much media coverage. They have had several reporters tell them that they cannot report the events. 
The news is censored.

(click to watch)
Here she explains how police brutality tried to stop the demonstrations. She also said they heard that the police was going to be shutting them down very soon.

(click to watch)


The events are organized and non violent. Police are stationed all over town where the demonstrations are being held and following the ones who march around the city.They inform the police of where and when they will march. They even have a permit.

For those who have children, they have an area set up for the kids to play.

"Each heart is a revolutionary cell"

Cities in Spain protesting (60)

"Realistic and dreamy"

"To get you have to believe"

"Solitude with the Syria - It is not a terrorist state"

" Don't want Chemtrails in my skies"

"If we don't get on TV we do not exist"

"Presidents of America who have direct linage with Bush"

 121 people have been hurt so far in these protests

Spain on one hand is suffering tremendously while in Sports they are on top of the world.

  • The weekend Barcelona won the European Football (soccer) Champions vs England
  • Spain won the World Football Championship
  • Alberto Contador won again the Giro 2011 Bike  & is the bike champion of Spain
  • Nadal is the tennis champion of Spain
Spain is winning winning winning in Sports.. let's hope they can come out on top economically - for the sake of their own people.

Today's blog is a bit more somber and serious. Rather than show the history of the past and the beauty of the country- it shows you the present day reality and just how serious the economic crisis is in Spain.
It also show how around the world so many people are saying - enough is enough.

I hope you found this hands on information interesting and will keep current on the latest developments as M15 continues .... for change!

click below to read more

Please forward this to as many people as you know to help them have their voices heard. The media is being censored and reporters are not allowed to report the news as it is. 

night night....

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